
Displaying 311-320 of 349 results.

First Round of the Year Friendly Game

Sunshine Valley Golf Club / 旭陽高爾夫球場

Dust off your clubs and join us for a friendly Sunday game at Sunshine Valley.

Stableford 3 @ Sunshine Valley

Sunshine Valley Golf Club / 旭陽高爾夫球場

Join us for the third round of a season long (9 rounds total) competition, from March to November.

Match Play Day @ THE Club

50 Nan Wo, Chang An Village, Woo Kou. Hsinchu / 新竹縣湖口鄉長安村再興路350號
THE Club / 再興高爾夫俱樂部 (Also known as Tsai Hsing Golf Club)

Enjoy the thrill of match play in a one-day competition, matching players of similar handicaps. If you've never tried match play, today is your chance. Prizes for all winners. We also welcome guests and members without handicaps to play socially and for hole prizes.

20220710 Best Net @ Ocean View

新北市石門區尖鹿里尖子路1 0 號 No 10, Jianzilu, Shimen Township, New Taipei City
Ocean View Golf Club (Bin Hai)

This is a stroke play event where every stroke counts. No gimmies! End of the round the lowest net scores win. Lowest 6 net scores in both division A and B will win prizes along with closest to the pin and longest drive contests. Please arrive 30 minutes before your tee time. Fee: NT$ 3,100

20221105 Club Championship @ Palm Lakes Golf Club

Palm Lakes Golf Resort / 東洋棕梠湖高爾夫球場

Save the dates of November 5 and 6 for the end of year IGST Club Championship. Plan to join us for stroke play competition at the beautiful Palm Lakes Golf Club in ChiaYi.

Stableford 5 @ THE Club

50 Nan Wo, Chang An Village, Woo Kou. Hsinchu / 新竹縣湖口鄉長安村再興路350號
THE Club / 再興高爾夫俱樂部 (Also known as Tsai Hsing Golf Club)

Join us for round 5 of a season long (9 rounds total) competition, from March to November. Event Prizes for the best five scores in Division A and B, plus prizes for closest to the pin and longest drive. Please arrive 30 minutes early to be ready for the tee time. Fee NT$3,880

Match Play Day @ Sunshine Valley

Sunshine Valley Golf Club / 旭陽高爾夫球場

Enjoy the thrill of match play in a one-day competition, matching players of similar handicaps. If you've never tried Match play, today is your chance. Prizes for all winners. We also welcome guests and members without handicaps to play socially and for hole prizes. Fee: NT$2,995

Stableford 6 @ Sunshine Valley

Sunshine Valley Golf Club / 旭陽高爾夫球場

Join us for the sixth round of a season long (9 rounds total) competition, from March to November. Prizes for the best five scores in Division A and B, plus prizes for closest to the pin and longest drive. FEE NT$2,995

Stableford 7 @ Gold Coast (aka North Bay)

No. 5, Caopuwei, Caoli Vil, Shimen Dist, New Taipei City / 新北市石門區草里里草埔尾5號
Gold Coast (aka) North Bay Golf & Country Club / 北海高爾夫鄉村俱樂部

The seventh round of a season long (9 rounds total) competition, from March to November. Event Prizes for the best five scores in Division A and B, plus prizes for closest to the pin and longest drive. This is a make-up game. Fee: NT$ 3,400 or 3,200 w/meal

Murray Jackson Cup

1 Lin, Yu Sun, Kuan Hsi, Hsinchu / 306新竹縣關西鎮玉山里1鄰赤柯山1號
Royal Kuan-hsi / 老爺關西高爾夫球場

A friendly stroke play competition in honor of Murray Jackson.