
Displaying 171-180 of 349 results.

2020 June Better Ball Net Pair @ THE Club

50 Nan Wo, Chang An Village, Woo Kou. Hsinchu / 新竹縣湖口鄉長安村再興路350號
THE Club / 再興高爾夫俱樂部 (Also known as Tsai Hsing Golf Club)

THIS EVENT IS FULL. Sorry, we have no more available space.

End of Year Friendly @ Sunshine Valley

Sunshine Valley Golf Club / 旭陽高爾夫球場

Join us for the final round of the season. Fee: NT$2,850

2023 Capitan's Cup

Sunshine Valley Golf Club / 旭陽高爾夫球場

This event is Full. New sign-ups will be placed on a wait list. One of IGST's signature events. The 8th Annual Captain's Cup, "Battle of the Continents." Can Asia defend their title, or will the Americas, Europe or the Southern Allies triumph?

201703 The 19th Hole: All You Can Eat Pasta Night

A great opportunity to get some of your friends, colleagues or others who might be new to Taipei out to meet some of the IGST community.

Match Play Day at Ocean View (SUN, $2880NT)

新北市石門區尖鹿里尖子路1 0 號 No 10, Jianzilu, Shimen Township, New Taipei City
Ocean View Golf Club (Bin Hai)

Enjoy the thrill of matchplay in a one day competition, matching players of similar handicaps. If you've never tried Matchplay, today is your chance. Prizes for all winners. We also welcome guests and members without handicaps to play socially and for hole prizes.

201711 November 4 Stableford Round 9@ Sunshine Valley $2,895

Sunshine Valley Golf Club / 旭陽高爾夫球場

The final round of our season long competition. Prizes for the best five scores in Div A and B. We also welcome guests and members without handicaps to play socially and for hole prizes.

Club Championship, Day 2: Sunrise Golf and Country Club ($4200 NTD)

No.256, Yang Sheng Road, Yang Mei City, Taoyuan County / 桃園縣楊梅市楊昇路256號
Sunrise Golf & Country Club / 揚昇高爾夫鄉村俱樂部

2-day end of year competition at Tsai Hsing and Sunrise. Overnight accommodation arranged near the courses.

2020 Apr. Captain's Cup @ Sunshine Valley

Sunshine Valley Golf Club / 旭陽高爾夫球場

One of IGST's signature events. The 5th Annual Captain's Cup, "Battle of the Continents." Can Europe defend their title without the UK's club membership, or will the Americas, Asia or the Southern Allies triumph? Please arrive 30 minutes early to be ready for the tee time. Fee: NT$ 2,850

2020 Apr. Match Play Day @ THE Club

50 Nan Wo, Chang An Village, Woo Kou. Hsinchu / 新竹縣湖口鄉長安村再興路350號
THE Club / 再興高爾夫俱樂部 (Also known as Tsai Hsing Golf Club)

Enjoy the thrill of match play in a one-day competition, matching players of similar handicaps. If you've never tried Match play, today is your chance. Prizes for all winners. Please arrive 30 minutes early to be ready for the tee time. Fee: NT$ 3,150

201704 The 19th Hole: 10-pin Bowling Cup

Contestants are guaranteed to enjoy some competition off of the golf course where bragging rights and more will be at stake.